Digital Society
1st edition of digital platform
PASOK – Movement for Change supports in practice the fair digital transition and organizes something much broader than the digital party, something more human-centered than digital governance. The Digital Society.
The Digital Society platform supports dialogue and participation for all citizens, provides services to members and friends, informs about news and developments, promotes actions and interventions throughout Greece, informs about events and campaigns, creates thematic and other networks, supports physical and digital local organizations, promotes transparency and accountability, and provides financial support services to local initiatives and organizations.
The aim of the initiative is to support the needs, proposals and ideas of all citizens, collective bodies . The platform supports the organization of friends and members of the movement to promote positions of improvement in everyday life, the formulation of policy proposals and all this with the help of modern digital technology, which facilitates with the immediacy and removal of geographical restrictions. At the same time, it aspires to prepare the ground for a fair digital transition, in which everyone participates, regardless of age, educational level or geographical location.
The key features of the Digital Society:
Open dialogue for all citizens. All citizens participate in the dialogue to highlight proposals at local and regional level on all issues of interest to them. They can participate with good practices that are worth implementing in our country as a whole, with proposals as well as with the notification of problematic situations, shortages and needs at local and regional level. Indicative topics will be local development, work, post-covid societies, housing, education, health, insurance, energy and the environment. The aim of the platform for the Movement for Change is to utilize the proposals coming from the citizens and the local bodies in wider political interventions.
Proposals for interventions of the movement with the participation of citizens. Through the digital society, every citizen will have the opportunity to propose interventions for actions and events at local and thematic level.
Open online, natural and hybrid events. In the next period, special topics and political workshops are planned, open to all citizens. You will also be able to organize your own event.
Registration of members and digital organizations. Digital Movement. Members will have access to a range of direct communication and positioning opportunities. Networks can be created with executives who share the same interests throughout Greece.
Support center for members and friends of the Movement, development of digital skills. As typically mentioned by the implementation team, it will function as the “KEP” of the Party. At this level, a key feature of the Digital Society is the technical support of each friend and member for the utilization of digital information and participation services as well as the organization of educational workshops for the development of digital skills.